Sunday, 3 November 2013

ORC: Week 5 1/2 Art GalleryWall

This week, true panic set in.  I looked at my lil ol One Room Challenge Guest Room and realized that I still had a heck of a lot to accomplish before the final reveal!  If you're just joining me for this journey, where the heck have you been?  I could have used your help these past five weeks!  Just teasing. 

The ORC is a six week makeover where design bloggers select one room to transform in this short time frame.  Each week, a little bit of progress is revealed.  You can catch up on my previous weeks here: 

Week 1   |  Week 2    |  Week 3     |  Week 4   |  Week 5  |  Week 5 1/2  |  Final Reveal

And in this last 1/2 of a week, I have embarked on many sub-projects that should have been accomplished during the previous weeks.  Including, the art gallery wall!   Now, admittedly, this wall wasn't even in my original plan so how could I have known to put it on my radar?  But after seeing the room come together, a gallery wall was definitely in need! 

I found some rustic looking frames at the craft store with the intention of gold leaf spray painting them.  I liked the imperfections in the wood.   

I hauled these babies outside for some spray painting. 

Put a few of my favorite "Vivster" photos in there. 

As you may recall, my daughter sleeps in this guest room every night.  (Yes, odd...but it's closer to our master bedroom.  So, in theory, this is really like our five year old's room too).  So I decided to add a bit of her art in here.  This is called "Duckie" by the Vivster. 

I pulled some items from our sunroom up for the wall.   This is a painting of Miss Porter's in Farmington, Connecticut by my friend and the fabulous artist, Dawn Lombardi.  (Check her out on instagram, farmingtonpainters

How I Create an Art Gallery Wall:
1.  I arrange the art I hope to use on a large space on the floor/bed in a desired format.

2. I cut large print paper in the size of my art so that I can position the paper on the wall prior to actually hanging the pictures. 

3.  This allows me to play with the spacing and layout of the items before putting holes into the wall.  I can get a visual of how things will appear and make sure the paper is level before the very first hole is hammered.   Then, I literally hammer the nails right into the paper and hang each picture one by one (removing the paper as I hang the picture). 

4.  Voila, done!   I don't want to give away too much before the 'big reveal', but here's a sneak peek of the art wall.  To see how the entire wall turned out, please check back this Thursday for the FINAL reveal! 

I'm a linking participant to the ORC so Thursday's my day...the original 20 design bloggers will reveal on Wednesday.  Click over to Calling It Home for the exciting reveal!


  1. love it all ... the chevron, the vivster, the duckie, the Dawn Lombardi painting ... sheer loveliness ... the whole thing!! xo

  2. Looking good.

    Where did you get the headboard - shopping for one now...

  3. @Smooch, the headboard is from Ballards. I got it several years ago but they still offer it. It's one of their upholstered, nailhead boards. I can send you the link. hg

  4. Great job Heather. I can't wait to see your colorful stylish room altogether this week. I love your style!
    Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  5. Perfect!!!! Love the addition of your daughters art work!

  6. Lovely artwork especially the colorful chevron! Can't wait to see the big reveal in a few days!


  7. {Banging head against wall}...PAPER! Brilliant. I on the other hand turned my walls into swiss cheese. For next time!

  8. Beautiful! Looking forward to your reveal this week!

  9. "Where is the reveal....gone back and forth throught sites, pages and I just the the parts....none total pkg. frustrating.

  10. @nanasewn, I'm sorry for your frustration! Thanks for looking so hard for my final reveal. Here is the direct link (and I've now added a link to the other pages).


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