Thursday, 13 February 2014

I Need Your Vote!

Hi ya''s that time again and I need your vote here.  (Home Design | Home Design & Inspiration)

Apartment Therapy is holding it's Sixth Annual "Homie" Awards.  Read here about why a challenge like this is important to me. 

I'd absolutely love to see how far Vivid Hue Home could make it this year.  I appreciate your support!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

DIY: "You make my heart soar"

Recall that earlier this week I had about ten hours on a snow day to keep my kid's entertained?  (read here). 

We headed to pinterest and decided to tackle these Airplane Favors:

The supplies needed for these Valentine's Day favors, included:

  •  Smarties
  • Life Savors
  • Rubber Bands
  • Stick Gum
  • Red Ribbon + Printed Tags ("You make my heart soar")


We learned a few tips along the way. 

For one, the rubber bands need to be just the right size or the airplane won't hold it's Smarties base in place.  It's very hard to tell how big these are from the photo, but these ended up being just right.  (About 1.5" in diameter when not stretched)

And two, the stick gum we selected wasn't hard enough and so it would bend when we attempted to put the rubber band ends around it.  I cut a small strip of cardboard from the back of the construction paper booklet and this solved the problem! (We used the cardboard underneath the gum). 

1. Getting started, wheels up!

Thread the rubber band through 2 life savers. 

2. The wings

Pull the two ends of the rubber band up around the life savers (almost like straps on a purse).  Place cardboard in between the loops and then the gum. 

Turn cardboard and gum so they are sitting flat across the 'wheels.'


3.  Copter Base

Slightly lift the 'wings' up so you can slip the Smarties underneath.
Adjust and tie note to end of airplane stating "You make my heart soar" (not pictured)

And then, if you're like us, you repeat this 22 more times for each kid in class!

Do you help your kid's make their class Valentine's?  What ideas have you done? 

Visit more DIY Projects here. 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Valentine's Day DIY Favors

 It was about 9am...a mere hour into the snow day.  My precious little kids had still managed to wake up at 6am.  By this time, they'd eaten breakfast, watched four episodes of 'Dog With a Blog', sneaked in forty minutes of game time on the kindle, gotten into three knock down drag out fights and played out in the snow. 

And here we sat.  With  h-o-u-r-s  of endless *quality* time in front of us. 

So I did what any insane mama would do.  I bundled those lil kiddos up to their ears in snow gear and loaded them into the car.  We trekked through six inches of snow and headed to the DOLLAR STORE!

Crafts galore!  We loaded up on a ton of supplies with Valentine's Day themes.  Over the next several days, I will share our DIY activities

To start, we made these candy-filled Valentine's "thank you's" for all of the teachers and professionals in the kid's lives.  Twelve of these suckers (yes, my kids are needy and require a ton of support). 

We filled pickling mason jars with tissue paper just to pad the bottoms a bit.  With twelve of these babies, I didn't want to buy stock in M&M's and Hershey kisses. 

Filled each jar with goodies galore and topped with polka dotted tissue. 

Then used a bit of baker's twine I had left over from Ikea.  We used gift cards from Target and cut them to pint size. 

Wrote a little personal message of "thanks" onto each card.

And loaded them all back into the card board box so we can tote these off to school. 
This kept the kiddos busy for about 30 minutes (all the way up to the point of filling the jars with candy...and of course testing a few handfuls to ensure the product wasn't rotten). 

Check back soon to see how we filled the other 7 hours of the day! 

Do you make crafts for your school teachers?  Share any good ideas!  Check out more ideas on my pinterest page. 

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