Friday 20 April 2012

Jamie Drake-Design Soulmate

Ever spot a designer's work and feel that you were instant design soulmates?  As if everything you'd longed to be and lusted'd found suddenly right in that one designer. 
Jamie Drake is mine. He playfully uses color as his design canvas. He's not afraid to mix color palettes and prints. In fact, he is often called the King of Color.  And I am smitten. 
Jamie Drake Kips Bay Showhouse, NYC (Thank you Nick Johnson)
I initially discovered him in Decor for his design at the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Showhouse (2007). My eye caught this vibrant plush cranberry pink checked bedframe and it was love at first sight

But Drake has been around the block in the design world.  He's a prominent NYC based designer.  He studied at Parson's School of Design.  He's designed homes for Madonna and NYC Mayor Bloomberg.  His use of color is equisite.  His attention to detail is paramount.  His rooms translate personality.  Love the vibrant colors. 

Right up my alley! 


xoxo  Vivid Hue Home


  1. He redecorated Gracie Mansion - beautifully. And there are public tours.

  2. Yes yes! A thousand times yes! How saturated and sumptuous and ridiculously awesome. Of course since you like the designs, I shouldn't be surprised that I do too! :) Happy Friday!! XOXO


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