Monday 14 May 2012

Fun To Be a Kid

I just returned from my Annual Girl's trip to Bon Appetit Vegas.  You'll hear more about that soon.  But while I'm unpacking, recovering and getting reacquainted with my family, I wanted to share this photo with you. 

Isn't it great to be a kid?  Can you imagine this in your home or at a lakehouse cabin or a beach house bungalow?  Four of you in a room.  Chatting yourselves to sleep.  Playing "I spy" or telling stories of the days' adventures

This reminds me of sharing a room with my girlfriends in Vegas.  Sure, we're approaching forty, but come on, it never gets old staying up til all hours of the night cracking yourselves up with funny stories. 

I love the idea of this room. 

More later.  Hope you didn't miss me too much!


Vivid Hue

1 comment:

  1. how fun would this room be in a vacation house where all the kids could pile in? love it! thanks for sharing.


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