Friday 20 July 2012

Up In A Tree with Meg Braff

Meg Braff Up In A Tree

Allow me to make an introduction...My new favorite wallpaper, Meg Braff's Up in a Tree wallpaper in Bamboo Green.  It was an instant love attraction the second I laid eyes on this design.  Even better, Meg Braff's papers are exclusive to her and can be ordered directly by consumers.  I want this for my guest bedroom! 

I have a wonderfully striped ottoman with plush velvet colors of tangerine, violet, cranberry and more.   It was the first thing I purchased for the room and I fully intend to decorate the entire style of the room around this one single piece.  (We've all been there, gals.  You find the perfect shoes before the dress?  Yup.  Same sitch). 

I had some fun on Olioboard and here's one possible vision...

I want to go completely design crazy in this room. Some of my thoughts in how to do this include:

1. wallpaper the ceiling a stripe (tangerine or fuchsia)
2. paint the trim a bright color (instead of traditional white)
3. keep all furniture items white with the accent fabrics and accessories in bright colors
4. use tangerine tango color or fuchsia as my accent color

Here are some other options that are being considered (though I had a soulmate connection with the Meg Braff Bamboo soon as I saw it, I immediately sensed it was "the one")

I like the blossoms at the very top of the picture the 2nd best.  The others are nice but I don't want to be too conservative in this room. 

I'll keep ya'll posted on how this all nets out! 
Update August 2013:  So, the Meg Braff didn't end up in my guest bedroom, but I think you'll be thrilled to see how it looks in my mudroom...check it out here
Sneak Peek: 

For other rooms in my house, click here

Don't forget Vivid Hue Home on Pinterest!


  1. This looks like its going to be great. Looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Reagan Geschardt20 July 2012 at 05:43

    Ohhhhhh lala Meg braff all the way. Love

  3. Heather- tell me about that ottoman! I love it. I like the bottom right fan-like stems the best! You have great taste, so whatever you pick will work!

  4. Hi Nancy! I haven't forgotten about your question about the ottoman! I scored this piece at Lillian August's Warehouse and I think it was a custom piece. The ottoman itself is Hickory and I've always struggled to locate the fabric name (since I didn't actually order it; believe it was a return from a previous custom order and I lucked out and grabbed it). Nevertheless, there is a sticker still on the otto leg and I'll read more to see if I'm able to locate the fabric name too!


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